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Collecting Data

Collecting Data

COLLECTING DATA Have patients return the completed 7 Day Recording Log (PDF) to your office—or, simply have them call your office with their readings for your review. Alternatively, patients can use…

BP Positioning Tool

BP Positioning Tool

Resolve all 6 issues to unlock resources by clicking on the red circles below. 6 unresolved resolved Start Over Skip challenge, view positioning resources Success! You have resolved all 6…

National High Blood Pressure Education Month

…life-saving goal! Our toolkit is designed with resources to help you get involved and make HBP Education Month a huge success!  2019 Toolkit Your Role Key Dates & Social Media…

Evolving SMBP Policy and Practice

Evolving SMBP Policy and Practice

Listen to a recording of our recent conversation about recent SMBP policy updates and success stories from health care organizations that have been implementing SMBP programs to better manage their…

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The content on the Target: BP Website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.