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Have patients return the completed 7 Day Recording Log (PDF) to your office—or, simply have them call your office with their readings for your review. Alternatively, patients can use a secure EHR patient portal, secure e-mail or a secure telehealth site to safely transmit the SMBP data if this available.


Have patients return the completed 7 Day Recording Log (PDF) to your office—or, simply have them call your office with their readings for your review. Alternatively, patients can use a secure EHR patient portal, secure e-mail or a secure telehealth site to safely transmit the SMBP data if this available.

Doctor using laptop

Review Blood Pressure Results

If a patient assessed for a suspected diagnosis of hypertension has an SMBP average of greater than or equal to 130/80, then the patients meets criteria for having a diagnosis of hypertension.

If a patient with office blood pressure in the elevated BP range (SBP 120-129 and DBP <80) has an SMBP average of less than 120/80, they should be considered to have normal blood pressure in most situations.

If a patient with a known diagnosis of hypertension has an SMBP average of greater than or equal to 130/80, then their blood pressure is above goal.

Easily calculate the SMBP average with our Blood Pressure Average Calculator (XLS).

Interpret Results and Manage Patients

Use this chart to reconcile in-office BP and SMBP measurements to classify and manage patients.

In-office BP SMBP Classification Management
Less than 120/80 Less than 120/80 Normal blood pressure Recheck BP in office in one year
less than 80
less than 80
Elevated BP Healthy lifestyle changes and recheck SMBP every 3-6 months
Less than 130/80 Greater than or
equal to 130/80
Masked hypertension Manage as sustained hypertension due to increased CV risk or consider 24-hour ABPM
Greater than or
equal to 130/80
Less than 130/80 White coat hypertension Recheck SMBP every six months
Greater than or
equal to 130/80
less than 80
White coat hypertension + elevated BP Healthy lifestyle changes and recheck SMBP every 3-6 months
Greater than or
equal to 130/80
Greater than or
equal to 130/80
Sustained hypertension Manage per current hypertension guideline recommendations

“Every adult with high blood pressure should have a clear, detailed and current evidence-based plan of care that ensures the achievement of treatment and self-management goals; effective management of comorbid conditions; timely follow-up with the healthcare team; and adherence to the prescribed medication regimen.”

Getting Prepared

Loaning Out Devices

Selecting a Cuff Size

Training Patients

Collecting Data

Managing Your Devices

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Copyright 1995-2025 American Medical Association All rights reserved.
The content on the Target: BP Website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.