Keep loaner devices in circulation and in working order with an inventory tracking system — including properly disinfecting devices after they are returned.

Track Loaner Devices
Before loaning devices to patients, have them sign a loaner agreement (PDF) in which they agree to return the device by the assigned date.
Use our Inventory Management (XLS) spreadsheet to manage devices in circulation, including the device ID, patient’s name, loan date and return date.
Clean Returned Devices
All devices returned by patients should be properly disinfected and stored in a clean location. The Inventory Management (XLS) spreadsheet can be used to record the disinfection date.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), blood pressure cuffs and other non-critical items that may come in contact with intact skin—but not mucous membranes—should be cleaned at a low-to-intermediate level of disinfection.
CDC Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities (PDF)
(See Section 4)
“Out-of-office measuring to manage high blood pressure can help to evaluate the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications and medication.”