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CME Course: Acting Rapidly With Pharmacotherapy – Step 2 In Hypertension Control

Last Modified December 6, 2023
Audience Healthcare Professionals |
Topics Act Rapidly |
Resource Type Video / Webinar | Weblink
Languages english

Activity has been approved for CME/CE credit

Target Audience: Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Other Physician Assistants, Quality Improvement Staff, Clinical Care Staff, and Medical Assistants

This activity trains physicians, providers and other care team members registered for the AHA/AMA joint Target: BP™ initiative, on the “Act Rapidly” component of the AMA MAP Quality Improvement Framework. MAP stands for Measure Accurately, Act Rapidly, and Partner with Patients.

The goal of acting rapidly is to reduce therapeutic inertia and improve blood pressure in patients whose BP is uncontrolled. This is accomplished through a combination of using an evidence-based treatment protocol, using single-pill combination antihypertensive medications and following up frequently with patients until BP control is achieved.

 Learning Objectives 
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Define therapeutic inertia, list contributing factors, and impact on BP control.
  • Describe importance of treatment intensification on improving blood pressure control.
  • Review strategies to address therapeutic inertia and increase treatment intensification.



Presentation Title


42:47 min

Act Rapidly - to ensure an effective management

Brent Egan

Estimated Time to Complete the Educational Activity
48 minutes

Brent Egan, MD, FAHA
Vice President
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, improving Health Outcomes
American Medical Association

Accreditation Statements
LAST REVIEW DATE: November 2021
ACCREDITATION TERMS: Joint Accreditation: 11/11/2021 – 11/10/2024

A Look at Self-Measured Blood Pressure

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