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CME Course: Measuring Blood Pressure Accurately – Step 1 in Hypertension Control

Last Modified February 14, 2024
Audience Healthcare Professionals |
Topics Measure Accurately |
Resource Type Video / Webinar | Weblink
Languages english

Activity has been approved for CME/CE credit

LAST REVIEW DATE: September 2023
ACCREDITATION TERMS: Joint Accreditation: 12/05/2023 – 12/04/2026

Target Audience:

Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants, Medical Assistants, Clinical Care Staff, and Quality Improvement Staff


This one-hour webinar trains health care professionals on the “Measure Accurately” component AMA MAP™ framework. MAP stands for Measure Accurately, Act Rapidly, and Partner with Patients. The webinar reviews current evidence and guidelines related to blood pressure measurement and outline steps teams and individuals can take to measure blood pressure accurately.

Learning Objectives :
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe how accurate blood pressure measurement provides the foundation for diagnosis and management of high blood pressure.
  • List factors (patient, observer, system) that can make blood pressure readings inaccurate and identify strategies to overcome those factors.
  • Use Measure Accurately tools to identify opportunities for improving accuracy and reliability of blood pressure measurement.

Course Agenda

TimePresentation TitleFaculty
4:08 minutesIntroductionAlison Smith
6:45 minutesThe Importance of Accurate BP MeasurementKate Kirley
8:49 minutesUnderstanding and Reducing InaccuraciesLinda Murakami
Jane Drage
9:05 minutesPositioning, Preparation & TechniqueJane Drage
10:25 minutesNew & ExistingTools and ResourcesAlison Smith
20:07 minutesQ & AAlison Smith
Jane Drage
Kate Kirley
Linda Murakami
Estimated Time to Complete the Educational Activity
60 minutes

Don't need CME/CE?

A recording of this webinar without continuing education is also available.


Web Link :


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