Luis Macias
How to Submit Data for Target: BP – Quick Overview
Video provides a brief overview of Target: BP data submission to help you get started.
Validated Device Listing
The US Blood Pressure Validated Device Listing (VDL) is the first U.S. list of BP measurement devices developed to assist physicians and patients in identifying BP devices that have been … Read more
New CPT Codes to Cover Self-Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP)
Overview of new CPT codes for providers that offer SMBP related clinical services
SMBP Coverage Insights: Medicaid
The AMA recently released SMBP Coverage Insights: Medicaid which reflects a State-specific of summary including the level of coverage, requirements for preauthorization, and inclusion of an appropriately-sized cuff.
Validated BP Device Procurement Policy & Procedure Template
Intended uses: Health care organizations and employers are encouraged to use this model policy developed by the American Heart Association (AHA) and American Medical Association (AMA)
Evidence-Based Activities Resources & Examples
This toolkit focuses on the evidence-based BP activities and includes examples of what actions would satisfy the intent of the attestation criteria, rationale for including new activities, guideline recommendations, answers … Read more
Evidence-Based BP Activities Q&A Webinar
This recorded webinar covers the data submission essentials for Silver or Gold+ awards eligibility. Includes Q&A session with experts.
Target: BP Recognition Program Evolution Overview
This document provides an overview of the new additional attestation criteria, rationale, and resources for achieving evidence-based practices.